Monday, March 21, 2011

Collection One

"The Universal Dream"
 We dream of the end of suffering and happiness for all beings.

On back:
I dream of returning to Peru with a wife & time to explore the Amazon.
I dream of playing sold out concerts with a bad-ass band, waking people up and turning them on.
I dream of hiking Machu Picchu with my dad.
I dream of a world in harmony, full of people working together & loving the Earth.

On back:
My dream is to never feel the sting of lonely tears...again.

On back:
I believe I am raising little boys who will grow up and treat women like "ladies."

Every week the last postcard will be one of my own. In lieu of a postcard I have submitted a photo for Collection One.

It was five years ago today that my dad passed away.
He was the first man to ever dare me to dream.
I believe he dwells not "up there" but...

Next collection will be posted
Monday, March 28, 2011

Did a postcard move you? Inspire you? Soothe you?
Please leave a comment for the "dreamer" below.

A note from the Dreamkeeper:
With hands at heart center and head slightly bowed I thank my friends and family who have contributed not only a postcard to Manifestation Nation's, "Collection One" but their love and support for this
"(he)art project."
May all of our dreams come true.


  1. Oh, darling! I am so inspired to send something. I can't believe I haven't sent anything. Thank you so much for doing this. I am going to stop being such a slackass and get this done!!!

  2. Thank you Lerner. I will look forward to receiving something from you soon. Lots of love.
